1868 – WW I-II
This era saw the following conflicts in which American Servicemen participated:
Indian Wars (1865-1891)
Spanish American War (1898)
Philippine-American War (1899-1902)
Banana Wars (1898)-1935)
Moro Rebellion (1898-1913)
War with Mexico (1910-1919)
World War I (1917-1918)
Russian Civil War (1918-1925)
World War II (1941-1945)
US Military History
From 1865 to 1945, the American military experienced unprecedented growth in manpower, machinery, technology, and international influence. In this short period of time, it transitioned from mounted soldiers to pressurized, multi engine bombers capable of flying at 35,000 feet and dropping nuclear weapons.
Starting in the Civil War, the introduction of ethnic minorities serving in a once predominantly all white military became more common. In 1866, the U.S. Army enlisted the service of Native American Scouts who were active in the American West in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Native Americans were also enlisted in Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders and saw action in Cuba in the Spanish-American War in 1898. Over 12,000 American Indians served in the United States military during World War I. World War II saw more than 44,000 American Indians serving in the U.S. military, out of a total Native American population of less than 350,000, in both European and Pacific theaters of war. This is nearly five times the national average per population.
Wind River Indian Reservation History
Originally known as the Shoshone Indian Reservation, the Wind River Indian Reservation was established by agreement of the United States with the Eastern Shoshone Nation at the Fort Bridger Treaty Council of 1868. In 1872, the Shoshone agreed to sell part of the reservation to the U.S., establishing the North Fork of the Popo Agie River as a southern border.[12]
A later settlement and land transaction after United States v. Shoshone Tribe of Indians gave the Arapaho legal claim to the reservation, which was renamed the Wind River Indian Reservation.
In 1871, the current site of Fort Washakie was created. However, it was not called this until 1878. The name was given to honor United States ally and Shoshone Chief Washakie. The fort continued to serve as a military post until the US abandoned it in 1909.[13] By that time, a community had developed around the fort.
Sacagawea, a guide with the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804-06, was later interred here. Her son Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, who was a child on the expedition, has a memorial stone in Fort Washakie but was interred in Danner, Oregon.
St. Michael's at Ethete was constructed in 1917–1920. The village of Arapahoe was originally established as a US sub-agency to distribute rations to the Arapaho.
In 1904 the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho ceded a portion of the reservation north of the Wind River to the United States and opened to white settlement.[14] The Riverton Reclamation Project and the city of Riverton developed on some of this land.
1868 – WW I-II Service Members
Newton Aaron - U.S. Army
Hiram Addison - U.S. Army
Louis Addison - U.S. Army
Raymond T. Addison Sr.
William M. Addison
Ah Go
Bruce G. Allen - U.S. Navy
William Allen
William G. Amos - U.S. Army
George J. Antelope
*George W. Antelope - U.S. Army
Frank A. Aragon
John Aragon - U.S. Navy
Lawrence Aragon - U.S. Army
Louis L. Aragon - U.S. Army
Marjorie E. Aragon - U.S. Navy
Peter Aragon Jr. - U.S. Army
William N. Aragon Jr.
William N Aragon
Jesus Aragon - Scout
Tony Argon Sr.
William N. Argon Jr. - U.S. Army
James G. Armajo
Robert Armour Sr.
Arre - Scout
Queen Arron - Scout
Orley Arthur
Simon L. Arthur Sr.
*Chester Arthur - U.S. Army
George A. Avery
Charles Avery
RED Pipe Ba-E-Cha
Alfred C. Baldes
Perry Barney Jr. - U.S. Army
Appe Barney
Perry Barney - Scout
Addison Bazil
Andrew Bazil - Scout
Phillip Bear - U.S. Army
Aloysius C. Bearing
Charles C. Bearing - U.S. Army
William C. Bearing
William J. Behan - U.S. Army
Jacob F. Bell
Robert A. Bell
Vincent P. Bell
*Louis A. Bishop - U.S. Army
Gabriel J. Bitner
Adrian G. Bivens
Thomas J. Blackburn
Jimmy R. Bolin - U.S. Army
Franklin Boyd Sr. - U.S. Army
John L. Boyd
Andrew L. Brown Jr.
Burnett L. Brown - U.S.M.C
Francis L. Brown
Frank L. Brown
George E. Brown
Gordon Brown
Henry Brown
Howard B. Brown - U.S. Army
Johnnie L. Brown* - U.S. Army
Leo Brown Sr.
Pebe Brown
Wilbur W. Bull
Curtis Burgess
Claude O. Burnaugh
Ina J. Burnaugh
Fincelius G. Burnett - U.S. Army
Gordon A. Burnett
*Gordon E. Burt - U.S. Army
*Sidney C. Bush - U.S. M.C.
Lawrence K. Cady
Harrison T. Caldwell
Joseph Calhoun
Archie Campbell - U.S. Army
Clair Campbell
Harold Campbell
Nelson Cane
Benjamin Carrier - U.S. Army
Donald F. Carter
Floyd Carter
John C’Hair Sr. - U.S. Army
Hugh B. Chase
Louis Chaves
Albert Chaves
Isaac J. Chavez Sr.
Joseph Chavis - U.S. Army
Earnest F. Chingman Sr. - U.S. Navy
Orvin R. Christopherson - U.S. Army
Bearing Coal - Scout
Isaac Coando - U.S. Army
Herman Coando - U.S. Army
Theo Cody
Valentine Cody
Kirk J. Cogswell - U.S. Air Force
Harrison T. Coldwell - U.S. Army
Floyd E. Collins
Charles J. Collins
Lyndall L. Collins
Alvin E. Compton - U.S. Army
Charles B. Coolidge
Porter B. Coolidge
Carlos Corinjo - Scout
Thomas Cosgrove - Scout
Harold R. Cramer
Tom B. Crispin Jr. - U.S. Army
Thomas W.H. Crispin Sr. - U.S. Army
Burt B. Dahle
Harold Davis - U.S. M.C.
Herman Decoteau - U.S. Army
Joseph Deshaw - U.S. Army
John W. Deshaw - U.S. Navy
Lloyd J. Dewey
John Dick - U.S. Army
Daniel Dodge Sr.
Doo-E-vit-see - Scout
Charles Driskell
Drives Down Hill - Scout
Alfred J. Duran Sr.
Dimas Duran
Thomas Duran Jr.
James A. Duran
James S. Eagle
Louis Eagle
Eugene A. Eckhart
LeClair Edmo - Scout
Elwin Elmer - U.S. M.C.
Augustine Ender - U.S. Army
Bruce (Dag-go-Shina) English
Enos J. Enos - U.S. Army
John Enos - Scout
Arthur K. Erickson
*Billie M. Fairless - U.S. Army
Wilfred J. Ferris - U.S. Army
James H. Fike Sr. - U.S. Army
*Alonzo “Lonnie” Finch - U.S. Army
Duncan G. Finlayson
*Loren Mc. C. Frank - U.S. Army
Daniel Friday
William F. Friday
John L. Froman
Gordon Gantenbein - U.S. Navy
Felix W. Garfield
John B. Gavin
Edward B. Gavin
Robert C. Geboe
Roy S. Geddes
Gene R. Genero
Merl V. Glick - U.S. Army
Charles L. Gloy
Michael S.L. Goggles Sr. - U.S. Army
*Claude H. Goggles - U.S. Army
Christopher H. Goggles
Hayes Goggles - U.S. Army
Timothy G. Goggles - U.S. Army
Leslie N. Gould Sr. - U.S. M.C.
Gosha Gould
George J. Griebel - U.S. Army
John J. Griebel
Robert E. Griebel - U.S. Army
Leroy H. Griswold - U.S. Navy
Embavee Gweena-Goh
Horace Habbie - Scout
Ted Hagg
Theodore C. Hailey
Ute Hanna - Scout
Ernest C. Hanway
Francis A. Hanway
William J. Hanway
Bert Harris - U.S. Army
Tom Harris
Andrew J. Headley
Arnold Headley
Carl Headley
James Headley
Joseph Headley
Margaret W. Headley - U.S. Army
Wilbur Headley
Robert Heil
Ben B. Henan - U.S. M.C.
Ethel R. Henan
Lawrence Hereford - U.S. Army
Sherman J. Hereford - U.S. Army
Stanley Hereford - U.S. Army
Victor T. Hereford - U.S. Navy
Edgar Hill - U.S. Army
Beaver Hill
Paul O. Hines - U.S. Navy
Paul S. Hirasawa - U.S. Army
Carl K. Hirasawa - U.S. Army
Samuel T. Hirasawa - U.S. Army
Charles Hugarne
Wray F Hughes
Hugo (Hoi-goi-Meeda) Hugo
Umber Hugo
Burnham S. Hungary Sr. - U.S. Air Force
Theodore C. Hungary
Vernon P. Hungary
Kenneth B. Hungary
Lee Hurtado - U.S Navy
Ned Hurtado
Phillip Hurtado
Sequiel Hurtado Jr. - U.S Navy
Teton Hurtado - U.S. Army
Earl H. Hutchinson - U.S. Army
Joseph F. Hutchinson
Robert E. Hutchinson
Virgil L. Hutchinson
Elmer C. Isis - U.S. Army
Ira (lsseien) Isis
Louis P. Jarvis - U.S. Army
Ralph G. Jenkins
Lynn Jenkins - U.S. Army
Jack E. Jenkins
Glen S. Jones
Roy E. Jones - U.S. Army
Claude Kagivah - Scout
Alvin A. Keldson - U.S. Army
Lorraine Kennedy
Ralph E. Kniffin Sr. - U.S. Army
Joe Lafferty
Joseph C. Lahoe Jr.
Herman Lajeunesse Sr. - U.S. Army
Seeright Lajeunesse - U.S. Army
Gordon S. Lajeunesse
Michel Lajeunesse - Scout
Noel Lajeunesse - Scout
Michael Lajeunesse
Noel Lajeunesse
Fred Large
Roy S. Large
Alfred L. Large
Irene Large - U.S. Army
James E. Large Sr. - U.S. Army
Reuben A. Large
Shadrack J. Large - U.S. Army
Walter N. Large
Oliver D. Laroque
Clowery Lawson - U.S. Army
Theodore LeBeau
Edward A. LeClair Sr. - U.S. Navy
John A. LeClair Jr. - U.S. Army
Stanley G. LeClair - U.S. Army
Edmo LeClair - Scout
Adolph R. Leonardi
Joe A. Little Crow - U.S. Army
Ora E. Logan
Aurist B. Long
Kesner L. Long
Raymond Long
Reno M. Long
William L. Loree
James S. Mann
Franklin L. Martel
Habram J. Martel
Reuben D. Martel - U.S. Army
Pe-Go-Na Martin
Joseph Mattel - U.S. Army
Allen Mattovish
Lonjo McAdams
Alfred McAdams - U.S.M.C
Benjamin F. McAdams
Lester D. McAdams - U.S. Army
Thornton McAdams - U.S. Army
William McCabe
Avan McGhee - Scout
Clarence McGill - U.S. Army
Percy McLeod - U.S. Army
Joe McLeod - U.S. Army
Francis K. Meade
Lawrence B. Meade Jr. - U.S.Navy
George E. Meredith
Eugene E. Meyers - U.S. Army
John T. Meyers
Stanley F. Meyers
Jesse F. Miller
John B. Miller
Joseph E. Miller
Lawrence W. Miller
Robert J. Miller
Peter J. Monroe
Walter Monroe
Weldon D. Moss
Benjamin O. Moss
Herman J. Moss Sr. - U.S.M.C
Orwell L. Moss
Raleigh Mowrey - U.S. Navy
James R. Murray
Charles E. Murray
Ralph R. Murray
John T. Myers - U.S. Navy
Jefferson Nagaromie
Charles Nagaromie
Penck Neff
Francis G. Nicol
Frederick L. Nicol - U.S. Army
Jule F. Nicol - U.S Navy
Carl E. Nirider - U.S. Army
James E. Nirider - U.S. Navy
Ralph E. Nniffin - U.S. Army
Earl Nokie
Newton, Norah
Valentine Norman - U.S. Army
lderim Norman
Ralph W. Norse
Raphael Norse - U.S. Army
James Noseep - U.S. Army
Mathew Noseep
Percy L. Nowlin
Daniel Oldman
David Oldman Sr.
John B. Oldman
Richard Oldman
Thomas J. Oldman
Hugo Oldman
Fermin W. Olivas
Donald O’Neal
Orle-T en-Zone
Pat Ornealas
Dick L. Ortiz Sr.
Woodrow W. Palmer
Adolph Panzetanga - U.S. Army
Clarence Parker
Robert N. Parker
Leslie W. Parker
Pedro Pass-a-Doah - Scout
Marvin A. Peery
Gordon S. Pennoyer
Padra Peora
Seth Peron
Felix A. Perry - U.S. Army
Sego Perry
Calvin Pingree - U.S. Navy
Chester Pingree Sr. - U.S. Navy
Peter Pingree
Joseph Piper
James Pogue - U.S. Army
Richard Pogue Sr.* - U.S. Navy
Marah Pogue
Pedro Pusse-Ar-doah
Quintin Quay - Scout
Padze Quin - Scout
Alford Ratliff - U.S. Army
Gene Ratliff - U.S. Navy
Jack Ratliff - U.S. Army
Joseph T. Regan Sr.
Sherman Redman* - U.S. Army
Victor Revere Sr. - U.S. Army
Eugene J. Ridgely Sr. - U.S. Army
Claude Riggs
Little Bob Roberts - Scout
Pasetonze Roberts
Sage - Scout
Charlie Sargeant - Scout
Roy Shongutsie
Engle Shoyo
Six Feathers - Scout
Charles Smith
Clarence Smith
Guy Smith
William Smith
Finn G. Snyder - U.S. Army
So-E-Gar - Scout
Able Sonnicant
Allen F Space
John St, Clair, Sr - U.S. Army
Benjamin Stagner Sr.
Fred Stagner
Samuel J. Stanbury - U.S. Navy
Hector “Buggs” Stoll Jr.- U.S Navy
George W. SunRhodes -U.S. Army
Joseph F SunRhodes - U.S. Army
William Surrell
John Swallow
Henry Terry
Thad Tidzump
Herman Tiger
Tosa - Scout
William Trosper* - U.S. Army
Walter Urbigkit
Judge Ute - Scout
John Ute
Pe-vo-wa Ute
Joe Vincent
Edwom B. Vermillion - U.S. Army
Waldo B. Vermillion - U.S.Navy
Lee Wadda
Panza Wadda - Scout
Laverne Wagon
Jim Wagon
Wah-Wan-Am-Bidde - Scout
Royal H. Wanstall - U.S. Army
John Washakie*
Dick Washakie
George Washakie
Bob Washington
Homer Waterman - Scout
George Weasaw
White Horse - Scout
Allen William
William - Scout
John Willow, Sr. - U.S. Army
Oliver J. Willow
Charles E. Wilson
Wat-Sa Wise
Parker (Poocayatsee) Wise
Eddie R. Womack
Allen Zagwar
Allen Zomba
*Killed in Action
To submit a name or correction, please email info@wrrvetmemorial.org